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Heck yeah! I made this. It was supposed to be a two month project, but life happened. But Its done and I think some of my best animations to date is in it.

Nitz debt is a small lewd em up stealth platformer, if you think that sounds neat, its for sale on

  • Comments
  • Quasi-consensual lewd platformers are always nice to see. Can't wait to get grabbed by all the things help this poor kobold repay her debt

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  • dastieryoutube said:
    Looks good but why Not a free Demo?

    Making a demo, means you have to dedicate seperate development time to cut out carefully a part of your game and if there's any bugs or something, you now have to update the main game, but demo as well or you'll just end up with outdated demo which is not representable of the final game.
    I'm actually super amazed how many indie games have demo considering this.

    Trailer is here, reading others reviews is second thing you can do.

    It's $4.20 from the looks of it, so this is the amount of money that should be so low that you will not suffer financially even if the game sucks.
    Altough I do also like that even games like this come to Steam, not only do they get much bigger userbase that buys games, but also if the game is actually unacceptable, there's refund system (I have only bumped into two games out of my 2000+ games library I have found to be actually unacceptably broken or supporting something I highly disagree with).

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  • Congrats! It's been encouraging to see you making steady progress with this. I loved catching all the previews that would pop up here and there.

    And seriously, all the people demanding demos, or that it be free and "oh maybe people will pay", or comparing it to other games like Kincaid are idiots.

    While I *personally* might assume somewhere around 3$ would be the spot for it based on scope/content, the price is still perfectly reasonable for a small indie game with a lot of work put in. I'm certainly going to buy it and play it.
    So don't listen to the assholes demanding you just give them the product of your efforts, you deserve to be paid for your time and trouble. Keep up the great work!

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  • mairo said:
    Making a demo, means you have to dedicate seperate development time to cut out carefully a part of your game and if there's any bugs or something, you now have to update the main game, but demo as well or you'll just end up with outdated demo which is not representable of the final game.
    I'm actually super amazed how many indie games have demo considering this.

    I normally don't respond here, but this is so annoying to me that I have to. A) People make demos because they work. You get people to play your game; that's already a win (for most small indies). When they play your game and they like it, they are much more likely to buy it than when they have to buy it for a full price without knowing what they are getting into. B (this is the part that annoys me the most): If you have an IQ higher than 0, no, it's not much work to make a demo (especially if you have a low-effort game like this (maybe I am wrong here and the video is just not good at showing the functions)—don't get me wrong). Animations seem good to me (I am not talking bad about the game here. I just want to make you understand what you're trying to tell here), but it's not a complex game. If your code is so bad that making a demo destroys your game, then you did something wrong. (If you ever did any programming at all, you would understand what I am talking about.)

    Give me that game's code, and I'll make you a demo out of it in 5 min max. (I am sure it takes me more time to read the code than to build in the solution for this "problem," and I am including it being able to support new versions—as long as the dev doesn't fuck this function up, of course. But for this, you should have a version control.

    By the way, a lot of the artists here also work the same having a "demo" of their content by showing only parts of videos, or making them only free after x days.

    Why do you think they do that? It's simple, because if you tease people with "good" content, you will have at least a few people who will be willing to pay to get more (or earlier) content.

    Please, if you don't understand what you are talking about, stop making shit up. (If the person making the game doesn't want people to have a demo, that's that person's right (the video is some form of demo anyway), but you don't have to defend it with something that makes no sense.)

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  • the-fan said:
    I normally don't respond here, but this is so annoying to me that I have to. A) People make demos because they work. You get people to play your game; that's already a win (for most small indies). When they play your game and they like it, they are much more likely to buy it than when they have to buy it for a full price without knowing what they are getting into. B (this is the part that annoys me the most): If you have an IQ higher than 0, no, it's not much work to make a demo (especially if you have a low-effort game like this (maybe I am wrong here and the video is just not good at showing the functions)—don't get me wrong). Animations seem good to me (I am not talking bad about the game here. I just want to make you understand what you're trying to tell here), but it's not a complex game. If your code is so bad that making a demo destroys your game, then you did something wrong. (If you ever did any programming at all, you would understand what I am talking about.)

    Give me that game's code, and I'll make you a demo out of it in 5 min max. (I am sure it takes me more time to read the code than to build in the solution for this "problem," and I am including it being able to support new versions—as long as the dev doesn't fuck this function up, of course. But for this, you should have a version control.

    By the way, a lot of the artists here also work the same having a "demo" of their content by showing only parts of videos, or making them only free after x days.

    Why do you think they do that? It's simple, because if you tease people with "good" content, you will have at least a few people who will be willing to pay to get more (or earlier) content.

    Please, if you don't understand what you are talking about, stop making shit up. (If the person making the game doesn't want people to have a demo, that's that person's right (the video is some form of demo anyway), but you don't have to defend it with something that makes no sense.)

    Well, you did break simple quote formatting in message reply so that's a good start.

    I have also worked over on PCGW and one problem became apparent really fast, where demo versions of games were not representable of the actual release, so stuff like controller support would be broken in demo, but would be fantastic in actual full release, so we could not write articles or rely on demo versions basically at all.
    I have also seen many games omit their previously available demos for similar reasons, they no longer represent the game and they do not want to make new demo just to port over all the fixes and patches that has come out over the years.
    With furry games, best example coming to mind is Oh So Hero! as that game simply has extremely old version available publicly and that has not been updated at all (released in 2020, latest patreon build is under month old), the patreon builds have basically rewritten whole sprite saving and rendering completely, on top of basically all everything else being updated or changed. The publicly available "demo" is something I highly discourage of even trying because it's so differend from builds on patreon it does not represent the game as it is now.

    Demos do still work, that's why steams next fest is a thing.
    It's still about a lot of things, but if the game is short and costs $4, at least to me demo sounds kinda insane thing to make when the demo would be half of your games content. A lot of these kind of games generally don't last more than hour or two from what I have played, I think chastity catastrophe was like 1.5 hours, also around same price range.
    But I'm not dev of this game, just commenting in general, also feels kinda pointless to fight about marketing of creator without the creator even involving in the discussion.

    Also talking about animation previews on e621, those generally shouldn't even be uploaded here, only the full version once it's released and I hate how none of the artists flag the previews for deletion when full thing is released.
    I would also argue that there's difference between posting image or animation and selling a game.

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  • mairo said:

    I have also worked over on PCGW and one problem became apparent really fast, where demo versions of games were not representable of the actual release, so stuff like controller support would be broken in demo, but would be fantastic in actual full release, so we could not write articles or rely on demo versions basically at all.
    I have also seen many games omit their previously available demos for similar reasons, they no longer represent the game and they do not want to make new demo just to port over all the fixes and patches that has come out over the years.
    With furry games, best example coming to mind is Oh So Hero! as that game simply has extremely old version available publicly and that has not been updated at all (released in 2020, latest patreon build is under month old), the patreon builds have basically rewritten whole sprite saving and rendering completely, on top of basically all everything else being updated or changed. The publicly available "demo" is something I highly discourage of even trying because it's so differend from builds on patreon it does not represent the game as it is now.

    Demos do still work, that's why steams next fest is a thing.
    It's still about a lot of things, but if the game is short and costs $4, at least to me demo sounds kinda insane thing to make when the demo would be half of your games content. A lot of these kind of games generally don't last more than hour or two from what I have played, I think chastity catastrophe was like 1.5 hours, also around same price range.
    But I'm not dev of this game, just commenting in general, also feels kinda pointless to fight about marketing of creator without the creator even involving in the discussion.


    I'd say that Mairo is entirely on point with that comment. The game is to short to really warrant a Demo. I do think demos are great tho and they really do work wonders for smaller developers like me, is why I have them for some of my other stuffs.

    I would say tho that most of the issues with updating demos can be mitigated due to Godot actually just having good export options and being well put together with its dev tools. I'd explain more but that feels like a bit too nerdy for the comment section of some gooner page.

    But yeah, I'd love to just make games for free, all I wanna do is share my art, but that's just not really an option. Art is just so much easier to do with financial stability to give it your best.

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  • bit_assembly said:
    I'd say that Mairo is entirely on point with that comment. The game is to short to really warrant a Demo. I do think demos are great tho and they really do work wonders for smaller developers like me, is why I have them for some of my other stuffs.

    I would say tho that most of the issues with updating demos can be mitigated due to Godot actually just having good export options and being well put together with its dev tools. I'd explain more but that feels like a bit too nerdy for the comment section of some gooner page.

    But yeah, I'd love to just make games for free, all I wanna do is share my art, but that's just not really an option. Art is just so much easier to do with financial stability to give it your best.

    Can confirm, played the game and got grabbed by all the things was a stealthy ninja. The gameplay loop here is short and simple enough that the only possible "demo" would pretty much be the game but without the naughty bits, and IME people hate those even more than no demo at all

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  • before i comment on this guy. first this so people dont have to scroll if they want to reply on it

    just ask yourself:
    should gamedevs dont make demos because a few of them are so bad at implementing them?

    if your answer is
    yes? - then great i wasted my time. (you better skip the rest of me writing here)

    no? - then you should at least to some degree understand my point.

    we can even go one more step:
    shoud all gamedevs stop make games because some of them are realy bad at makeing them?

    yes? - if your answer is yes,... i dont know what to say are you sure you like games in the first place?

    no? - i would rather go for this one. (i dont mind there beeing millions of games there as long as 1 of them is good. its better then not having that 1 game in the first place)

    i am realy interested in your response here!!!

    can somebody please explain me this persons thinking here: (because i dont think this person can and its hard for me to follow not existing logic)
    because a good amount of people (who clrearly are bad at coding or using the tools, what ever) produce crap demos (and/or break the working versions) this means i am wrong with -> you can easy do it if you are not bad at it, and understand what you are doing.
    (well maybe he wasnt trying to prove me wrong and just wanted to distract people to make them think he knows what he talks i mean he works for a company that for sure makes him qualified right? right? - my answer would be maybe)
    regaring to the format. if me not useing that functions the right way is hurting your feelings, i just wont use it for this: instead i will not even remotly try to look at the gramar and spelling, so you have at least that to complain about and being right at least something is something that i have to feel is very needed for you ego here. :)

    my point still stands if you dont understand what you are talking about just dont do it! (if you realy work for a company and write articles or what ever and you dont understand something that you are writing about, I would hope you at least try to find out a little about it, before you start your writing.


    (and only because you work as somebody who reviews(/writes) something doesnt mean you understand how that something was made in detail (even if you use a decent amount of time for research) -> and you havent written a single thing that tells me i am not correct about this. i am maybe going to far here, but every idiot can write an article and if you realy do write articles you seem to me to be the perfect example) -> and 4$ is the price you are selling to one person not a price that the dev will earn (specialy when you count in that good amount of devs have a patreon or something like this) I am not going to explain to you how the market works here -> but do you think its not worth making advertisement for some candy? -> specaly the ones below 4$ clearly it would be insane to do so, right? (just to make sure, i am sarcastic here). of course you wont sell as much copies of this game as you will sell X-candy product of your choise but still, people are investing a lot of money into erotic games. i have seen enough game projects that have the same scope (with half of the quality) and they made hundreds of $ every month and this were the ones who didnt put in a ton of effort to make something of high quality. lets be real here the chance is 99.9999999% this artist started this project because of that as well (and i wouldnt juge because of it).

    i am sure if the artist puts a bit more work into the game functions and continues with the same animation quality there are more then enough people out there who would make up for it having taken a few min/days longer to complete. (thats by the way how games like baldur's gate 3 made it. quality sells - the bearsex was just a nice marketing bonus)

    i just dont want a drop in quality only because someone doesnt understand why you put work into something that clearly has a reason for beeing there.
    ->next time you probably would tell me that we should stop makeing softwaretest in programms because they cost to much time ... - i am sure even for that you will find people who agree with you here. but still this wont make it the correct solution.

    and yes there are a few games were demos are more likely to make things worse (or at least hard), even for a dencent dev team, but not one of the 2d games i saw on this side woud have that problem.

    and sorry if you have controller problems in your demo just put in a damn warning that its still in the works. disable controller and make keyboard and mouse only (you useing an computer of course. if your game needs a controller yes you have to worry about something else then a demo if you are to bad making it work correctly)...
    -> also if you dont make spageti code you will not have a problem with your controller not wroking in the demo but working in the real version (/the other way around) thats my point make it right and you dont have this shit - there is basicly no game that never had bugs and specialy with more complex games its nearly impossible to have none but if your demo brakes something you do it wrong no more no less

    -> or is your solution if somebody cant get the controllers to work all other devs should stop making controllers an option for games?

    I am not on this side to try to get upvotes, i couldnt care less. I am also not here to make endless discussions with people who dont think more then 1 step into the future,too. (and this is evne to generous for some people here), i only responded because i dont want devs who see this "stupid crap of a comment" and think they should stop make demos for games because its to much of a "waste of time". Because like all here already agreed demos work, they did years ago and they very likely will for many years more.

    there are different people, who play the games different ways some play them 1 time some play them dozent of times (i would say a working product is probably impartent to every user) so even if the main game only takes 1hour to finish people are likely to wast a couple of ours more (specaly for erotic games maybe you can guess the reason).

    -> a game having a small time of gemeplay doesnt mean it took the dev that amout of time to development (its likely we are talking about a lot of hours (of course i mostly think about the animation in this special case) do you realy think if you spend like 100+ hours that 10min (/1h ->if you are slow) for a demo would make the difference? when you get at least a couple of people more to play the game because you haveing the working demo -> and if this game will not be extendet much i dont see how a demo at the current state would hurt even if you were not good at makeing a demo out of it -> of course how much you can trim this game so its still enough for a demo is hart for me to tell because i only reacted based on the video, maybe you have a tutorial area or so were you can jump around and so on and maybe have one of the fun time animation? -its not my job to make a demo i just said i could make it work easy not that i think it would make sence to make a demo)

    i am not a social media person i dont constantly need to tell people my opinions, what i do in my free time or who i am together with. so you can stick your format were the sun doesnt shine :) -> i wont make an other comment on this side anyway (if you want to see gamedev getting worse instead of better well i cant change that - i but this amount of time into it and that is all i am willing to waste - iam sure about 1 thing, when i am done with the game i make and if i decide to make a demo i will put in 10 min and it will work then and for all following versions) - please feel free to downvote me or talk something stupid after about me or what ever. i will read it and then i am done with this.

    have a nice day

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  • the-fan said:
    before i comment on this guy. first this so people dont have to scroll if they want to reply on it

    just ask yourself:
    should gamedevs dont make demos because a few of them are so bad at implementing them?

    if your answer is
    yes? - then great i wasted my time. (you better skip the rest of me writing here)

    no? - then you should at least to some degree understand my point.

    we can even go one more step:
    shoud all gamedevs stop make games because some of them are realy bad at makeing them?

    yes? - if your answer is yes,... i dont know what to say are you sure you like games in the first place?

    no? - i would rather go for this one. (i dont mind there beeing millions of games there as long as 1 of them is good. its better then not having that 1 game in the first place)

    i am realy interested in your response here!!!

    can somebody please explain me this persons thinking here: (because i dont think this person can and its hard for me to follow not existing logic)
    because a good amount of people (who clrearly are bad at coding or using the tools, what ever) produce crap demos (and/or break the working versions) this means i am wrong with -> you can easy do it if you are not bad at it, and understand what you are doing.
    (well maybe he wasnt trying to prove me wrong and just wanted to distract people to make them think he knows what he talks i mean he works for a company that for sure makes him qualified right? right? - my answer would be maybe)
    regaring to the format. if me not useing that functions the right way is hurting your feelings, i just wont use it for this: instead i will not even remotly try to look at the gramar and spelling, so you have at least that to complain about and being right at least something is something that i have to feel is very needed for you ego here. :)

    my point still stands if you dont understand what you are talking about just dont do it! (if you realy work for a company and write articles or what ever and you dont understand something that you are writing about, I would hope you at least try to find out a little about it, before you start your writing.


    (and only because you work as somebody who reviews(/writes) something doesnt mean you understand how that something was made in detail (even if you use a decent amount of time for research) -> and you havent written a single thing that tells me i am not correct about this. i am maybe going to far here, but every idiot can write an article and if you realy do write articles you seem to me to be the perfect example) -> and 4$ is the price you are selling to one person not a price that the dev will earn (specialy when you count in that good amount of devs have a patreon or something like this) I am not going to explain to you how the market works here -> but do you think its not worth making advertisement for some candy? -> specaly the ones below 4$ clearly it would be insane to do so, right? (just to make sure, i am sarcastic here). of course you wont sell as much copies of this game as you will sell X-candy product of your choise but still, people are investing a lot of money into erotic games. i have seen enough game projects that have the same scope (with half of the quality) and they made hundreds of $ every month and this were the ones who didnt put in a ton of effort to make something of high quality. lets be real here the chance is 99.9999999% this artist started this project because of that as well (and i wouldnt juge because of it).

    i am sure if the artist puts a bit more work into the game functions and continues with the same animation quality there are more then enough people out there who would make up for it having taken a few min/days longer to complete. (thats by the way how games like baldur's gate 3 made it. quality sells - the bearsex was just a nice marketing bonus)

    i just dont want a drop in quality only because someone doesnt understand why you put work into something that clearly has a reason for beeing there.
    ->next time you probably would tell me that we should stop makeing softwaretest in programms because they cost to much time ... - i am sure even for that you will find people who agree with you here. but still this wont make it the correct solution.

    and yes there are a few games were demos are more likely to make things worse (or at least hard), even for a dencent dev team, but not one of the 2d games i saw on this side woud have that problem.

    and sorry if you have controller problems in your demo just put in a damn warning that its still in the works. disable controller and make keyboard and mouse only (you useing an computer of course. if your game needs a controller yes you have to worry about something else then a demo if you are to bad making it work correctly)...
    -> also if you dont make spageti code you will not have a problem with your controller not wroking in the demo but working in the real version (/the other way around) thats my point make it right and you dont have this shit - there is basicly no game that never had bugs and specialy with more complex games its nearly impossible to have none but if your demo brakes something you do it wrong no more no less

    -> or is your solution if somebody cant get the controllers to work all other devs should stop making controllers an option for games?

    I am not on this side to try to get upvotes, i couldnt care less. I am also not here to make endless discussions with people who dont think more then 1 step into the future,too. (and this is evne to generous for some people here), i only responded because i dont want devs who see this "stupid crap of a comment" and think they should stop make demos for games because its to much of a "waste of time". Because like all here already agreed demos work, they did years ago and they very likely will for many years more.

    there are different people, who play the games different ways some play them 1 time some play them dozent of times (i would say a working product is probably impartent to every user) so even if the main game only takes 1hour to finish people are likely to wast a couple of ours more (specaly for erotic games maybe you can guess the reason).

    -> a game having a small time of gemeplay doesnt mean it took the dev that amout of time to development (its likely we are talking about a lot of hours (of course i mostly think about the animation in this special case) do you realy think if you spend like 100+ hours that 10min (/1h ->if you are slow) for a demo would make the difference? when you get at least a couple of people more to play the game because you haveing the working demo -> and if this game will not be extendet much i dont see how a demo at the current state would hurt even if you were not good at makeing a demo out of it -> of course how much you can trim this game so its still enough for a demo is hart for me to tell because i only reacted based on the video, maybe you have a tutorial area or so were you can jump around and so on and maybe have one of the fun time animation? -its not my job to make a demo i just said i could make it work easy not that i think it would make sence to make a demo)

    i am not a social media person i dont constantly need to tell people my opinions, what i do in my free time or who i am together with. so you can stick your format were the sun doesnt shine :) -> i wont make an other comment on this side anyway (if you want to see gamedev getting worse instead of better well i cant change that - i but this amount of time into it and that is all i am willing to waste - iam sure about 1 thing, when i am done with the game i make and if i decide to make a demo i will put in 10 min and it will work then and for all following versions) - please feel free to downvote me or talk something stupid after about me or what ever. i will read it and then i am done with this.

    have a nice day

    yucky wucky comment

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