Species: euplerid
post #1651431 post #1573701 post #1116814
Euplerids, or members of the family Eupleridae, are a family of mammals only found on the island of Madagascar. They are Feliforms, a suborder of mammals that are either feline or feline-like, comprising of animals like herpestids and viverrids. The most well known species is the fossa.
Recent molecular studies indicate that they evolved from one ancestor that rafted over from mainland Africa millions years ago. They were originally classified as viverrids or herpestids, but are now classified as their own family. True Herpestid mongeese are their closest living relatives.
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- tag group:species
- mammal
- afrosoricid - Golden mole and tenrec.
- bovine - Buffalo, cattle, yak, etc.
- camelid - Alpaca, camel, llama, etc.
- canine - Dog, fox, wolf, etc.
- caprine - Goat, ibex, sheep, etc.
- cervine - Elk, moose, reindeer, etc.
- cetacean - Dolphin, porpoise, whale, etc.
- equine - Donkey, horse, zebra, etc.
- eulipotyphlan - Hedgehog, mole, shrew, etc.
- euplerid - Fanaloka, fossa, vontsira, etc.
- feline - Cat, lion, tiger, etc.
- giraffid - Giraffe, okapi, etc.
- herpestid - Mongoose
- lagomorph - Rabbit, hare, pika, etc.
- marsupial - Kangaroo, koala, opossum, etc.
- mephitid - Skunks and stink badgers.
- monotreme - Echidna and platypus
- mustelid - Ferret, otter, weasel, etc.
- pinniped - Sea lion, seal, walrus, etc.
- porcine - Boar, pig, warthog, etc.
- primate - Ape, lemur, monkey, etc. (excludes human)
- proboscidean - Elephant, mammoth, mastodon, etc.
- procyonid - Kinkajou, raccoon, ring-tailed cat, etc.
- rodent - Mouse, rat, squirrel, etc.
- ursine - Grizzly bear, panda, polar bear, etc.
- viverrid - Civet, genet, linsang, etc.
- xenarthran - Anteater, armadillo, and sloth.
This tag implicates mammal (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: euplerid_humanoid, falanouc, fanaloka, fossa, vontsira (learn more).
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